Emanuele Gaudioso (1986) founds his photography on the exploration of nature and human societies and how these are re-configuring in the stream of media and politics, what remains and how this is adapting to the changing landscape of the major regulators.
Sonore Alchimie - "Tormentata" - Davoli (2023)
Evanescence - Experimental Photo Festival 2021 - Barcellona (2021)
144 Rifugio Festival - "Lucania, oil and magic" - Potenza (2019)
Basilicata - "Lucania, oil and magic" - Different Locations (2018)
KromArt Gallery CSF Adams - "Lucania, oil and magic", "Blue mountain" - Rome (2018)
Archaeological Museum - "Lucania, oil and magic" - Potenza (2017)
Curator of "Exhibition of the Workshop with Peter Puklus" (2022)
Perimetro (2022)
Touring Club Italia (2021)
Wintess Journal (2020)
Korper Magazine (2020)
Radio Radicale (2019)
Open Migration (2018)
ASud (2018)
La Stampa (2018)
GreenReport (2018)
Witness Journal (2017)
Napoli Monitor (2009 - 2018)
Erodoto 108 (2015 - 2017)
Artist Residence
Tabula Rasa - Corrispondenze Contemporanee, Gerace (2022)
Centro di Giornalismo Permanente, Rome (2019)
ZooPark Publishing - Fanzine Workshop, Geneva (2023)
D.O.O.R. Factory - Workshop with Miguel Angel Tornero, Rome (2022)
D.O.O.R. Factory - Workshop with Peter Puklus, Rome (2022)
CGP - Journalistic Interview, Rome (2020)
CGP - Journalistic investigation techniques, Rome (2020)
Davide Monteleone - A personal distance, Reggio Emilia (2019)
Photography in Contest of Crysis and War, Lecce (2018)
CDCA - Investigative Environmental Journalism, Rome (2018)
D.O.O.R. Academy, Rome(2021)
MA in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism, London (2017)
Degree in Language and Translation, Naples/Sofia/Moscow (2016)
Appennini, Touring Club, TOMO TOMO (2021)
Le Quattro Parole, Daniele Brancati. Ed. Progetto Cultura (2019)
Crisi Ambientali e Migrazioni Forzate 2018. aSud (2018)
Haikus from the Lighthouse, Daniele Brancati. Ed. Progetto Cultura (2016)